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Msc. - Chemistry

Msc. - Chemistry



The Master’s Programme in chemistry exposes students to research at the frontline of a fascinating discipline. Both nationally and internationally chemistry has been acknowledged as playing a key role in social and economic progress. It now forms the bridge between biology at one end of the spectrum (biomolecular chemistry) and physics and mathematics at the other (physical-theoretical chemistry). Traditionally, organic and analytical chemistry (synthesizing and measuring) lie at the heart of the discipline. As a multifaceted science, chemistry is an exciting field of study in which every student can find an area suited to their individual talent and ambitions.

Course Highlights
In the Master of science specialization in communication, Education or Science-Based Business, specific career opportunities in science –related professions can be explored. within the first four specializations students have the choice of three major research areas:

  • Biological Chemistry
  • Design & Synthesis
  • Physical & Theoretical Chemistry
The aim of each programme is to train the students as an independent scientist and to develop the necessary skills and proficiency to advance his/her career.
All specializations are interested for students with an internationally recognized bechelor’s degree in chemistry or a bachelor of science degree with a major in chemistry. The Master of science programme guarantees through research training founded on a profound theoretical basis. Master of science students in Leiden work in an environment with many internationally renowned researchers and are able to operate on the international market.

Course Outline
This PG Course at K.N.I cover this following major areas:
Atomic theory and atomic structure, Periodic relationships including, for example, atomic radii, ionization energies, electron affinities, oxidation states Chemical bonding, Nuclear chemistry( nuclear equations, half-lives, and radioactivity chemical applications) Liquids and solids from the kinetic-molecular viewpolints, Non-ideal behavior (qualitative aspects), Effect of temperature change on rates, Energy of activation; the role of catalysts, the relationship between the rate-determining step and a mechanism, Thermodynamics

Course    :Master of Science in Chemistry

Duration :2 Years(4 Semester) Fulltime

Eligibility :B.sc Micro/Ind. Micro/Biotech/CBZ/PCM from a recognized University

Selection :Through Merrit

Intake    : 20