The methodology of teaching adopted at KNI is based on Teaching- Learning process. It involves Lectures,Assignments, Case studies, Project work, Quizzes, Group Discussions, Seminars, Industrial tours. There is a
strong emphasis on intellect, soft skills and interpersonal skills. In addition to course modules, the students
are taught communication skills, foreign languages to face the challenging international environment. KNI puts strong focus on "E.Q" (Emotional Quotient).
The curriculum emphasize on the person and personality rather than concentrating on theoretical concepts.
Besides class room lectures, group discussions, seminars, programmed learning assignments, presentations
and business games, opportunities are provided through the use of “ICT”
(Integrated Communication Techniques) to offer opportunities of skill and knowledge up-gradation to
students, working professionals and all those who can benefit from such delivery systems. Weaker students
are subjected to extra classes, bridge courses, classes on soft skills and on computer knowledge modules.
What would you say to the new-comers at K.N.I?
To all the new-comers I
have just one suggestion,
make the most of it!
Every minute that you
spend here is a learning
experience. And let me
assure you, most of the
learning will not come
from books.
B.B.A. II Sem